Gnomish Twist

Is a game, where you are playing as a small gnome that need to get through platformer 5 levels. But be carefull on what you are jumping on, because when you jump through portal of twisted reality some elemets might get mismatched.

WASD for movement, Spacebar for jump

This project was made in 1 day.  Most graphical assets are from TrapmoorDungeon

Detailed description: SPOILER

In the first level you have to jump actross two pillars and right into portal. This was made so that player can get comfortable with controls.

Second level is somehow the same, but with spikes that after colliding with player resets the level. So watch out!

Thrid is finally twisted or mismatched. The spikes are now a platform and regular ground now resets the level.

4th, Look where you spawned. The portal is now hidden where you spawned in previous levels, go and find it.

5th Is quite a challenge. Back to regular rules. Watch out for skeleton, because he hurts too (like spikes).

6th Ground hurts. Spikes and skeletons head are fine. 


Download 27 MB

Install instructions

Unzip file and play through .exe or play in browser

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